Medical conditions like depression and obesity always lead to higher medical costs. People find it difficult to afford aids responsible for bringing in lifestyle changes or meant to sustain medical regimens. Our Online Canadian pharmacies reveal both these conditions affect health costs differently, as per research published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine. The pharmacy goes through findings published by scientists from Group Health Research Institute.
Understanding How Depression and Obesity Affect Healthcare Costs
It was always known through earlier studies that both obesity and depression contributed to higher health care costs in a substantial manner. It is also known both these medical conditions often affect people simultaneously, which made it necessary to find out if each condition could affect costs differently. Also, researchers were interested in knowing whether depression increased or decreased costs to reduce obesity.
Researchers used depression as a link to connect between health and obesity factors. In other words, they analyzed findings from the study based on collecting data relating depression as a contributing factor in terms of health costs to obesity-related problems in people.
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Comprehensive Study Reveals Definite Pattern
Researchers went through medical records of 4,462 women aged between 40 to 65 years old. Telephonic interviews were conducted to confirm records about obesity and if patients had symptoms of depression. Volunteers were enrolled into a cooperative initiated by Group Health in Northern Idaho and Washington.
Body mass index (BMI) was used as a standard to measure obesity related to weight and height. Standards utilized for the study included a BMI reading of 25 for normal weight, 25 to 30 indicated an overweight condition, and a reading over 30 indicated obesity. To measure depression, researchers used a questionnaire designed by the American Psychiatric Association consisting of nine criteria. People often buy Cymbalta from our Canadian pharmacies to manage symptoms of depression.
Results were accumulated from patients examined in primary care, mental health care center, outpatient care, inpatient care, and visit to specialists. A definite pattern emerged from the analysis relating BMI to healthcare costs. Researchers found higher health costs were associated with middle-aged obese women. A 65% increase in costs were recorded for a BMI reading between 30 to 35, and a whopping 157% were seen in women having a BMI reading of over 35, as compared to women with normal weight.
The connection between depression and obesity leading to higher costs was established, though depression had a minor role to play in increased cost. In fact, BMI levels had a bigger role to play in people having to pay more to sustain long-term medical regimens. Both depression and obesity were separately responsible for excess healthcare expenditure.
Regulatory bodies will now have to consider options to deal with both these conditions separately to bring medical expenses down. Mental health care was not the only area where better control was needed. If neglected individually, the general population will be adversely affected and will have to bear the burden of paying more for medication. The situation could be avoided through sustained efforts at initiating better education and information leading to more consciousness among the masses.
Our Canadian pharmacies believes realization about additional costs creeping in for treatment of chronic illnesses will spur the medical fraternity into designing systems and methods to initiate lifestyle changes that help people keep themselves fit.
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